Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Favorite Christmas Picture

Our tagline is:
I scrapbook so that when I am gone my family won't just remember... they will have proof!!
and I want to be sure that everyone in my family remembers the Christmas that my nephew, Tino, put his face in the plate of gourmet Christmas cookies and single handedly ensure that my dad wouldn't get a single one!!!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that you have fantastic stories and memories to put down for your family!! Have a great New Year
Happy Scrappin'

1 comment:

Lisa said...

What a great time we had at our house. We had a bunch of grand kids, sons, daughters, daughters in law and of course our animals. I think we had 5 kids at the house for Christmas morning. There were also 7 adults. It was great to watch my grandkids on Christmas morning. This was something that I had not had the privilege of experiencing before. I always had to find out how they liked their gifts by telephone because the ones that were here were from out of state. So were 3 of the big kids. My house hasn't been this full since my kids lived at home. SO MUCH EXCITEMENT! My daughter-in-law and I even got to crowd into my scrapbook room and go through a few things. She said she understands why I don't get in there much, because it's so over whelming to try and work in there. It's sooooo crowded with goodies! I am going to see how the New Years Resolution of cleaning up the room goes. I'll be watching for the updates on that!